Solar Cooking!

Power by Sun: Sun Never fails even on Y2K
Not Fuel or Electricity needed.
Foods Taste Better: Foods stay moister
Cooking Temperatures: 340 - 403 degrees Fahrenheit.
You can cook almost anything: Pizza, Cakes, Pasta, Desserts,
Fish, Meats, Casseroles, Grains, Etc.

About Veggie Life —
With more than 100 full-color pages of tips,
techniques, and delicious recipes, Veggie Life is the
only healthy lifestyle magazine that covers natural
living from the ground up. It includes information
about organic gardening, nutrition, cooking, herbs,
fitness, and more. Feature articles show how to grow
organic vegetables, herbs, and flowers; cook low-fat,
healthy cuisine; and feel positive and energized
through exercise, nutrition, and diet.