Running Air
Conditioners on Inverter Power
In some parts of the world, air conditioners are used
for convenience as well as necessity. They are also a
large consumer of electrical energy. Large inverters
can properly power medium size air conditioners, but
both the AC and DC electrical systems need to be
designed to properly
accommodate the large energy demand.
AC Load
Air conditioners up to about 12,000 BTUs can be
run successfully on an inverter. These units require
approximately 12 amps AC (1.4kw) when they are
running. At start up however, they need up to 5 times
as much power for a few seconds to get going. This
requires an inverter that
has a high surge rating as well as a fairly robust
continuous rating. The Freedom 25 for example has a
continuous rating of 2,500 watts and a surge rating
about three times that. It can start and run most air
conditioners of this size, but a large amount a DC
power is required to generate this much AC power.
DC Load
As a rule of thumb, in a 12-volt system it takes 11
amps of DC power to generate 1 amp of AC power. If the
process of energy conversion were 100% efficient, the
ratio would still be about 10 to 1. Since 12 volts is
being stepped up by a factor of 10 to 120 volts, the
current ratio is also 10 to 1. But the inverter is
about 90% efficient, so that is why the 11 to 1 ratio
is used as a guideline.
This means that an air conditioner that draws 12-amps
AC from the inverter is causing a 132-amp load on the
DC system (12 amps x 11). At this rate, batteries are
not going to last very long. For this reason, it is
recommended that air conditioners running on inverter
power only be used while underway, and a fairly
powerful DC generation and storage system needs be
provided. When it comes time to stop the engine, its
time to shut down the air conditioner, or switch the
air conditioner over to another source of AC power
i.e.: shorepower or generator.
DC Generation and Storage
Most standard engine alternators are
rated in the 35 to 65-amp range. This is a "cold"
rating however, and when they are at operating
temperature, they might produce between 20 to 45 amps.
This is obviously not enough to keep up with the air
conditioner’s requirements, let alone other DC loads
in the system or provide any battery charging.
Therefore, a high output alternator should also be
part of the system. A high output alternator is
usually "hot" rated, so its amperage rating is usually
what you can expect from it as long as the RPMs are
high enough. You will want one that is large enough to
keep up with all of your DC loads, and provide enough
excess current to do some significant battery charging
too. These units are usually externally regulated, so
a good three stage regulator such as an InCharge or
Link 2000R is also recommended. Since the battery bank
will be called on to source the DC loads during low
RPMs and short duration engine shut downs, and it
needs to be sized appropriately to accommodate the
high output potential of the alternator and charger,
the battery bank should also be quite large. About
600-amp hours should be considered the minimum bank
Running Air Conditioners on
Inverter Power, Running Air
Conditioners, Inverter Power
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Depending on the consumers needs, the IQFuelCell automatically charges the battery with up to 100 Ah per day. As independent power supply or in combination with other systems, the IQFuelCell runs self-sufficiently for months.
The circuit is fully protected via breakers and fuses on the AC input, connection to the batteries, and DC loads. Outdoor, lockable, aluminum enclosure includes tamper-proof hardware suitable for pole or wall mounting. DC.

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