Traffic Signal Battery Backup System

Traffic Signal Battery Backup System
Self Contained Traffic Signal Battery Backup System Intelligent Transportation Systems Low Voltage Power Management Unit
Traffic Signal Battery Backup Systems, Increase the public safety and reduced traffic congestion by allowing traffic lights to function even during a power failure. A typical traffic signal intersection experiences eight to ten local power outages annually. With IQUPS battery backup power, some or all the traffic control signals can continue to operate. This seamless switchover to battery power increases public safety and eliminates the need to dispatch police or other service personnel to direct traffic. If all traffic signals were converted to LEDs, the battery backup system would allow full operation of the traffic signals during a power outage, thus alleviating traffic congestion.
Important feature is the battery backup system’s ability to maintain the memory of the traffic signal controller. The controller is responsible for sequencing the on and off times of the various signals. With a battery backup system, the controller’s memory can be maintained and return to normal operation once the outage has ended. This feature has eliminated the time spent to reprogram controllers after a power outage
Traffic IQUPS It is designed to provide backup power for critical LED traffic light intersections. With 1,000 watts of true sinewave power available, IQFuel Cell and maintenance free Deep cycle batteries.
Traffic IQUPS will drive most large LED systems. Its pure sinewave output is cleaner than utility power, making it ideal for all loads.
Total distortion is typically less than 1.5%. Manufactured in the USA to the highest standards possible, Traffic IQUPS system is the best choice for critical load protection. power outage knocked out traffic lights, backup generators, emergency generator
Depending on the consumers needs, the IQFuelCell automatically charges the battery with up to 100 Ah per day. As independent power supply or in combination with other systems, the IQFuelCell runs self-sufficiently for months.
The circuit is fully protected via breakers and fuses on the AC input, connection to the batteries, and DC loads. Outdoor, lockable, aluminum enclosure includes tamper-proof hardware suitable for pole or wall mounting. DC ripple 50mV.
Certainty in Public Safety The IQTraffiControl Power Management Unit (PMU) is a unique solution for the next generation traffic signal control cabinets utilizing the latest technology low power and low voltage 48 Vdc LED signal lamps. This PMU offers multiple voltages all in one compact chassis ready to support all the devices in your ATCC.
Multiple Voltages Supported: 24Vdc, 48Vdc and 120Vac Double Conversion On Line: AC topology provides superior voltage and frequency regulation.

Please add in the comments section the following information based on Solar Powered System Sizing Worksheet Load Information.
- Voltage AC/DC:
- Nominal Voltage:
- Total DC Load Daily AMPS:
- Days of battery storage:
- State:

Ready to Install: Compatible with standard racks, short depth design, 3U, and Connectorized I/O makes for an easy install.
Ruggedized Design: Wide temperature operating range suitable for use in unconditioned field cabinets. Conformal coated electronics to improve humidity and pollution tolerance.
Remote Manageability: Embedded Network Management Card allows remote monitoring and control. SNMP V3 and IPv6 ensure integrity of communication and security of devices.
Service and Maintenance:
- Local power quality event logging
- USB setup and service
- LCD display with color backlight
- Visual and audible status indicators
- Fast and safe PMU service with I/O connectors
- Easy to remove and replace fan and filters
LV PMU ATCC Advantages
- Low voltage to the signal lamps protect personnel and pedestrians.
- Low voltage protects the service personnel.
- Connectorized AC I/O promotes a “touch safe” environment within the cabinet
- Long life, virtually no maintenance.
- Robust battery charger for fast recovery after a power failure.
- Optional Accessories
- Service Bypass Unit
- Charge controller.
- Batteries: Long-Life - Deep-Cycle - Maintenance-Free.
Ships prewire.
Packaging information: Brown Box (Individual Packing for each part).Features:
- Low-Cost Installation.
- Easily and Quickly Deployed in Any Location.
- The Flexible design enables any configuration of bi-directional or dual flasher system solution.
- Virtually Maintenance-Free Design!.
- Vandal and Theft Resistant Components and Hardware.
** Meets all requirements for design, illumination, and color of signal sections required by 2009 MUTCD, Chapter 4L, Flashing Beacons (MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices).
- Your next scheduled maintenance will be in 5 to 7 years!
- Promotes speed compliance.
- Proven technology.
- Vandal and theft-resistant components and hardware.
- Low installation cost.
- Easily and quickly deployed in almost any location.
- NO run Wiring from grid!
- NO cuts through existing roads, sidewalks or landscaping.
- NO Maintenance.
- NO Utility bill.
- Maintenance Free Batteries!
- Big Credits and Savings form State and Federal Taxes.
- Pays for itself in the form of reduced installation, maintenance and servicing costs.
- Reliable operation 365 days per year at nearly any location.
- 24-Hour Flashing Beacon Systems
- School Zone Flashing Beacon Systems with Programmable Time Control
- Speed Awareness Displays.
- Firehouse Entrance / Exit Warning Beacons.
- Intersection / Crosswalk Warning.
- Work Zones
- Sharp Curve Warning
- Factory/Plant/Facility Entrance Warning
- Railroad warning
- Ice on bridge warning
- Low water crossing
- Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety
- Solar Powered Wireless Traffic Video Monitoring
- traffic signal battery backup
- solar 24 hour flashing beacon
- Your Speed Signs
- Radar Speed signs
- led traffic signal modules
- Solar Powered 24 Hour Flashing Stop Beacon
- Traffic Calming Systems
- School Zone flashing signals
- Automatic Traffic Recorders
- Solar LED Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon
- Solar 24 Hour Flashing Light
- Solar Traffic Signs

Length: in.
Width: in.
Height: in.
Shipping Weight: 790 lbs.