Solar Portable Wind Cone

Solar Portable Wind Cone, Airport Solar Windsock, L-806 & L-806(L) Wind Cone, FAA Certified Airport Wind Cones, Internally LED lighted wind cone, Wind Cone L-806 & L-806(L) Wind Cone, FAA Certified Airport Wind Cones, L-806 Wind Cone provides a visual indication of wind direction and velocity, L-807 Wind Cone provides a visual indication of wind direction and velocity, L-806 & L-807 Wind Cone Light Kits. Solar Permanent LED Wind Cone, Solar Series Portable LED Wind Cone. Airport / Heliport Nylon Windsocks

Dimensions and Weight
Length: in.
Width: in.
Height: in.
Shipping Weight: lbs.
Length: in.
Width: in.
Height: in.
Shipping Weight: lbs.