Manufacturer and Distributor of Innovative
traffic design and signaling, Traffic signals, Amber alert , navigational
beacons, obstruction lighting, signage, runway lighting, brake lights, Emergency
Vehicle Approaching, signs have been designed and delivered.
LED Lighting sources are ideally suited
for applications where lighting requirements are principally dictated
by the need to be seen. (Traffic signals, navigational beacons,
obstruction lighting, signage, runway
lighting, brake lights...)
Innovative traffic design and signaling, designed as per your
Specs. for their lighting needs. Amber alert, Futuristic i intersection control,
"Emergency Vehicle Approaching", signs have been designed and
The sign you are reading is a 5 foot by 11 foot.
1.0 General Display Characteristics
The unit shall display a legend in accordance with the requirements
in the federal Standard Highway Signs Book. The message shall be
bright in color against an f l a t black background. The color of
the illuminated message is a function of the specified LED. The display shall consist of an array of LEDs
Which f o r m the legend. The sign shall be discernible attracting
Attention under any lighting conditions varying from t o t an l
darkness to bright s u n light. The message shall be clearly legible
at a minimum of 300 ft (91 meters). When n o t energized, the sign
Shall be blanked out (unreadable) with no phantom images,
Regardless of solar intensity or direction. The sign shall have a
Limited viewing a n g l e of 30' centered about the optical axis and
Perpendicular to the surface of t h e matrix display. The unit
Shall be capable of continuous operation over a temperature range
Of -35'F to +130�F? (-37C to +74C) -
2.0 LED Module
The LEDs shall be mounted into one and one-half inch pixels and
Arranged on t h e front aluminum faceplate to display the requested
Message. The LED pixel unit shall be completely self contained
and removable from the door.
3.0 Housing
The housing and door assembly shall be black powder coated
Aluminum with an overall material thickness of 0.125 inches
(0.3cm). All seams shall be continuously welded, an internal
Stiffening rib of 0.125 inch (0.3m) aluminum shall be welded to
The housing f o r additional strength and rigidity. Aluminum
Piano hinge and 8 latches will be provided to hold the door shut.
A gasket will be used to seal the door of the housing. All nuts,
Bolts, screws, washers, lock washers, and other fastening
Materials shall be stainless steel.
4.0 Electrical Requirements
The normal failure of one LED shall not deactivate any o t h e r
Two power supplies shall operate the light sources. The nominal
Input voltage shall be 120 volts AC. Connections for primary
Wiring shall be made via a barrier terminal strip. All wiring
Shall be #16 gauge wires.
5.0 Illumination System Requirements
The sign shall be illuminated by super bright LEDs. Each LED
Shall be rated for 100,000 hours of continuous operation with a
Luminous intensity of 1200 (typically) mcd at 20ma. In a standard
LED sign, the LEDs shall have the following characteristics:
Size T-1 3/4
Peak Wave Length 630 nm
Brightness 1400 (typically) mcd
6.0 Optional Dimmer
There shall be available, as an option, a photocell and dimming
Circuit, shielded from any direct light source, which are capable
Of automatically adjusting the message light output in response
To changes in ambient light conditions. The photoelectric cell
Shall operate automatically to brighten the intensity of the sign
Illumination to one-half of t h e daylight illumination as
Nighttime occurs. Pixels shall be wired t o utilize h a l f the U D
In dim mode during one 24 hour cycle and alternately the second
Half of the pixel in the second 24 hour cycle to evenly balance
The use of all LEDs.
7. 0 Dimensions
Units designed for traffic control applications are dimensioned
In accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
i.e. 24 inch (6lcm) x 24 inch, 24 inch x 30 inch (76cm), 30 inch
x 30 inch, etc. Units designed for other applications can be
Specially dimensioned at extra cost. All housings are 6 inches
8.0 Warranty*s LED Blackout signs are warranted against defects
In materials and workmanship for a period of three (3) years from
Original shipment date.
Traffic Controls for Transportation:
Ever-demanding traffic and rail signal applications require a constant reliability 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. By applying IQtraffiControl Illumination LED signals in place of older fluorescent or incandescent technologies, municipalities, rail yards and transit operators can benefit from recurring energy savings, lower maintenance costs and reduced safety concerns. We are manufactures OEM/ODM a complete line of high-flux LED products for the transportation market. We offer a complete line of LED products used in lighting for airports, bus stops, rail ways, traffic signals, outdoor lighting and other related applications.
Our transportation products are more efficient, last longer and typically consume 90% less energy than incandescent lights, yielding substantial operational cost savings. Because their service life span is typically 10 times (approximately eleven years) that of incandescent, these products offer even greater maintenance savings due to longer replacement intervals. In addition, they are environmentally friendly.
Solar powered warning signals Using a combination of solar power and energy-efficient LED lights we allow the transportation engineer the flexibility to deliver critical warnings in virtually any location, regardless of power availability.
We offer a full array of red, yellow, green and white LED products for use in traffic signal balls, arrows and pedestrian signals, as well as a complete range of signaling products. Installation of LED Signals can offer significant savings in operating and maintenance costs resulting in a quick return on initial investment.
Easy installs onto existing sign hardware with just a simple tools wrench and a screwdriver increases fast and easy sign visibility
Your next scheduled maintenance will be in 5 to 7 years! Affiliate

Sample Ready to ship unit
